QVM is able to share your position with other QuoVadis 7 or QVM usern.
On the live screen/send you can always share your actual position by email or SMS:
Here you can save an email-address and a phone number or you can import the data from your address book.
If you tap on Send eMail/SMS you can choose your contact details and need to tap on sending again .
You have the possibility to enter a personal message on “My status or message”, which will be added to the wp-name of your position you are sending and can be seen in the map.
For showing the complete message press on the WP until a menue is opening. Here you can see e.g. the complete message text.
On the live screen/share you can configure that your position will be sended automatically:
Therefore a small GPX file with your actual position will be uploaded to your SkyDrive/QVM_Locations in a regular minute interval. This file is named as “Name_location.gpx” but you can define any other name for the file. The name of the file will be shown in the “Shared” list.
The folder “SkyDrive/QVM_Locations” will be created automatically when you login first in QVM with your access data. At this moment the folder is private, which means that only you or anybody who logs in with your access data can see the position.
After you have changed something in the configuration, please click always on Update to save your changings. If you have activated Sharing an actual version will be uploaded.
If you like to share your position with other QVM- or QuoVadis 7- users you need to offer them explicit reading rights in your “SkyDrive/QVM_Locations” folder.
Therefore please go to Microsoft SkyDrive and login with your user name:
Choose “sharing” for the QVM_Locations-folder:
To give one or more people access, select “send e-mail”, enter the e-mail-address(s) and confirm with “sharing”. At any time you can add or delete people in your list:
Please notice! Remote the check “Recipients can elements …”!
Every QVM-user who like to share his positions and every QVM- and QuoVadis 7- user who like to see the positions has to own an account at SkyDrive and need to be logged in.