This section describes in a short way how to generate or change waypoints in QVM and how you can import WPs from QuoVadis 7 or export them to QuoVadis 7.
In QVM you are able to generate a “new database” of the waypoints you have exported from QuoVadis 7.
To do this go to the Database in QVM start window. Normally the function My Data (Active) is selected.
By clicking on “Plus sign” a new database will be generated where you can enter a new name e.g. Private Addresses
Then please mark the new DB “as active”!
You also have the “address” to bring up the possibility of a waypoint or send as eMail or SMS. Tap on the … to move to the Send option.
Change to QuoVadis 7 and select all waypoints which should be exported. In this case we select the table “QV-Stützpunkte”.
Click on the export icon in the toolbox and select “GPX_11”. Then change to your local SkyDrive-file1)
If not installed you need to save export file on your desktop. If there is a SD-card in your WindowsPhone the export to it is not possible! You need a second step to copy the file at first to the Windows Explorer and then to the phone. Look at Dateikonventionen
Please save the file in the SkyDrive QVM_Data file if in the WP is no SD-card.
After saving the waypoints as GPX on SkyDrive or on the SD-card, you can import them into the new generated database.
Now we are describing how to transfer the data from the cloud to the phone:
Please open Live on the start sreen where you will find the standard file Local. Then change to Cloud, meaning SkyDrive. Then you will see the GPX data which are saved in the cloud.
Check the GPX-file which you want to import and click on the icon “Import”. The waypoints will be imported into the new, as “Active” marked DB.
Then you can click on Database and will come to the DB with the newly imported waypoints. You will see that all in the info-field entered information about the waypoint are imported in QVM.
By marking/choosing the waypoints you have different options e.g. copying, sending by e-mail, deleting or checking in the “Eye” to see it in the map screen.
The same options are available if the GPX-file is saved on the SD-card. Here you need to choose the file SD_Card.
The imported waypoints have, independend from QuoVadis 7, a square as standard-icon. Of course you can change and prepare it like you desire.
To do this please change from the start screen to Database and then to the waypoints. Tap on the entry which you like to prepare. QVM changes then to “WP Info”.
Now you have different options. - You can give “evaluation stars” so the marked waypoints will be shown in your favorite list. Further you can change the style of the waypoint concerning colour and icon. The size can be changed from XS and XL.
A click on the “flag symbol” calculates the route from your actual position to the waypoint. More information on navigation with QVM.
If you have created and stored waypoints in QVM's database while traveling you may export the database or store in the cloud. Both the *.sdf and *.gpx files will be saved.
The SDF file may easily be given to and used by other QVM users straightaway. However, GPX files can only be imported in the QV application on Windows. Thereby existing format definitions will not be transferred.